Saturday, December 10, 2011

homeward bound

After close to two weeks in Canada and a couple of days in more familiar territory (Boston), i'm now on an Amtrak train headed back to Washington DC where i'll be spending two more nights before flying home. It always seems to be the case that while initially when you get somewhere for a holiday, time seems to go by rather slowly, but then before you know it time passes far quicker and then it's time to head home. This trip was no exception.

I'm pleased that i had made the decision to spend the bulk of the vacation in Canada even though geographically speaking it may not have made much sense, since my flights in and out of the US are from Washington DC. I had figured that since i've already seen quite a bit of the Eastern United States (or at least stepped foot in most of the states), it made sense then to go to the nearest place to me where i'd not yet been to. It also gave me a good opportunity to be immersed in a language which i, at least in theory am supposed to be familiar with. And it was definitely the case - though as is so often the case, while initially i was rather overwhelmed with the need to speak French, by the time i had left Montreal to head back to Boston i was missing the opportunity to get better by doing so. The winter(-ish) weather in Quebec City was an added plus, not to mention the opportunity to do bona fide winter stuff that is impossible to do in Singapore, such as ice-skate and snowboard outdoors. And as a bonus, along the way back to Washington DC i've passed through the two remaining states in the region that i'd prevously yet to visit (i'd say 'set foot upon', but technically i've only been on a train passing through both Connecticut and Delaware, without actually getting off in either state - but details schmetails eh?)

It's actually only just over three weeks before school starts again, so i can foresee my mood gradually dipping from this point onwards, especially since there's work to do (i did some less-than-token bits of it just now just so i can feel a bit more satisfied with myself). But at least i've had the privilege to travel so extensively here :)

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