Sunday, August 08, 2010

Moscow 2010, if only...

So it turns out that it has to take a four day long weekend before i'm able to get myself to put something here (i abandon too many things before they have run their rightful course and i don't want to add this to that heap of things). Sadly, half of the said weekend is already gone, and before i know it it'll be (ack!) time for school again, with probably less than half of the work that i had originally intended to complete being done. Case in point - because i had to go for a nat'l day dinner at expo tonight (don't ask), i had intended to first hang out at some cafe at expo and get some work done before the dinner, and then hang around again at the Hanis near my place to get more work done before heading home. Needless to say, i didn't hang around either time in the end

Anyways, as i know i've mentioned at least twice before, together with that other obliged-to-wear-red holiday, nat'l day is just about my least favourite of the days off that we get. How ironic that both of these holidays are the only ones when we at school are guaranteed at least two days off each. Certainly, the extra day off for both is a slight redeeming factor, but otherwise i can't really care much for either.

I suppose though, that given the line of work i am in, the employer i work for, and of course, the country i live in, remaining this negative and cynical can't be very healthy [that was actually a very valid and thought-provoking point that the MP made during his speech at the nat'l day dinner (yes, i was actually listening - must have been during one of the courses of the chinese menu that featured seafood, so i didn't have the option of being distracted through eating, and since everyone else was eating i couldn't talk to anyone else either..)]. Something to work on i guess - let's wait for YOG to be a thing of the past though. There's only so much angst that i can repress =p

Anyways, in totally random other news, i just realised that i have memories of Nat'l Day 1990. At the Padang. Silver Anniversary. Was it really twenty years ago?


Mathieu said...

C'est quand les prochaines vacances ? ;) Bon courage

chilipino said...

Merci Mat :) Ils sont entre la dernière semaine de Novembre et la fin de Décembre.