Tuesday, January 12, 2010

the elusive eight

There couldn't have been a bigger shift in lifestyle for me than between two weeks ago and now, with the beginning of school once again. There's a lot going on with me in school right now, and suffice to say that the words stamina and endurance immediately come to mind when i think of what i'll need to have a good semester ahead. Hence the sudden break midway through my attempt at doing a decent log of my recent trip. That will hopefully resume in due course (latest by the March holidays =p).

From last year, and of course presently as well, i've been lamenting as to how i can hardly seem to get a decent amount of sleep nowadays. The magic number is the elusive eight, which was often exceeded during the last few weeks of the break, after i had gotten back from the trip. Now on school nights i usually settle for six, and often end up with fiveish instead, waking up grumpy and then secretly scowling at the auntie whom i sometimes see at the bus stop smiling and greeting her fellow passengers at six thirty in the morning, wondering how anyone can be of such a cheerful disposition at that hour.

And just now in the shower it suddenly occurred to me to do the math and figure out why i'm ending up with so little sleep (relatively speaking, of course, since my work email inbox oounts the hours of one to three am as some of the most active in terms of incoming mail from colleagues). It all started to make sense, since with twelve hour days coupled with another hour a day for getting to and from school, it leaves me with just three hours to play with for anything else, if i am even to catch a whiff of eight hours of sleep per night. Not possible. Partly because i waste precious time on busy days like this doing things like typing this. Oops.

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