Tuesday, December 01, 2009

always flows no more

Itś been one week into the trip so far (and btw, if anything looks strange when i type it thatś because of foreign keyboard syndrome - thatś what you get when the language you normally use happens to be the one sans claws, umlauts, dashes and what have you...) and while i can´t say it has all gone smoothly, it still has nevertheless been a lot of fun (thereś been lots of other things too of course but for now well let fun be the operative word).

But i´m not here to talk about that. This is more to pen down some random thought that came to me as i was explaining to some of my cs hosts about Singapore, and in particular about the marina barrage and its function. And then it suddenly occurred to me - the construction of the barrage means that one of the sources of the comfort that Kit Chan gets while miles away from the island is gone.

Ah too bad. Time for a new heartwarming national day song then...

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