Tuesday, July 08, 2008

when and where?

One of the few things that has frustrated me about teaching life (or at least as close to it as i've ever gotten so far) is the early wake-up time. By itself that's actually not a problem - but combined with having to leave the house within half-an-hour so as to get to school by sevenish that means that my usual time slot allocated for having my quiet time is gone - the relatively short bus journey, coupled with the usual annoyances that tv mobile brings, makes any form of prolonged meaningful Bible reading there a distinct impossibility. Once i reach school, there's not enough time before assembly, and in any case there's too much hustle going on in the staff room at that time to make that possible. Once assembly is over, i either have classes or have other work to do, and in any case i don't feel good about taking official school time out to do what i rather ought to dedicate the so-called firstfruits of time to doing instead. So that means that i either have my qt after the dismissal bell rings (but still there's much hustle in the staff room, and in any case i feel too conspicuous), or on the bus ride back (if i happen to be blessed with a tv mobile-less bus, although i'm always half-asleep on the bus rides back, so that ain't the best time). And if all that fails, then we have today's scenario, when up till this time at night, i've still not had qt yet.

It's frustrating in the sense that since i've had to adopt this schedule, qt has almost never failed to be a touch-and-go sorta thing, especially since i'm either in a rush to get back to work or back to sleep. While nie promises a brief respite from this, in the long (or at least medium) term, i'll have to find a way around this current predicament i find myself in. And goodness knows at this time i really ought to be focusing more on God, something that i've really been unable to get myself to do for far too long. Not that He has stopped speaking to me - quite the contrary actually (if what i hear to be true is confirmed, i'll feel a right idiot methinks) - but at least on my part things kinda suck...

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